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Neuro-fit Systems and outside resources are conducting research and studies aimed at measuring cognitive improvements and physiologic response to our program.  Case studies have provided impressive results thus far, some results utilizing the Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities can be viewed as you scroll below.

Woodcock Johnson Case Study Results

Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities

performed by Milestones Educational Therapy Center, Los Angeles, CA.

The WJ IV is a set of intelligence tests normed for use with individuals from age 2-90.  The areas examined by the test are based on 9 broad stratum abilities which are: Comprehension-Knowledge, Long-Term Retrieval, Visual-Spatial Thinking, Auditory Processing, Fluid Reasoning, Processing Speed, Short-Term Memory, Quantitative Knowledge and Reading-Writing.  A General Intellectual Ability (GIA) or Brief Intellectual Ability (BIA) may be obtained. The BIA score is derived from three cognitive tests which include Verbal Comprehension, Concept Formation, and Visual Matching. These three cognitive tests measure three abilities; Comprehension-Knowledge (Gc), Fluid Reasoning (Gf), and Processing Speed (Gs), which best represents an individual’s verbal ability, thinking ability, and efficiency in performing cognitive tasks. The GIA obtained from the WJ III Tests of Cognitive Abilities provide a more comprehensive assessment of general ability (g) and the score is based on a weighted combination of tests that best represents a common ability underlying all intellectual performance.

AGS Early Screening Profile

AGS Early Screening Profiles

performed by Milestones Educational Therapy Center, Los Angeles, CA.

This test is used for individuals between ages 2-7 years.  It screens the five major developmental areas. Early Screening Profilesis an indispensable tool that uses multiple domains, settings, and sources to measure cognitive, language, motor, self-help, and social development. It also surveys the child’s articulation, home environment, health history, and test behavior.

PTONI (Primary Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence)

PTONI (Primary Test of Non-verbal Intelligence)

performed by Milestones Educational Therapy Center, Los Angeles, CA.

The Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (PTONI)is a theoretically sound, research-based method of assessing reasoning abilities in children age 3-10 years. Psychologists, diagnosticians, special educators, speech-language pathologists, and other professionals can use this test to identify both severe intellectual deficits and superior cognitive intelligence; help estimate future school success based on family history, educational background, and personality traits; and study a wide range of researchable topics and issues.


ICAN-Integrated Cognitive Abilities NeuroFunction

ICAN – Integrated Cognitive Abilities NeuroFunction

performed by Crossroads Institute, Los Angeles, CA.

The ICAN is a neurofunctional profile of the BioMarker (standard biological measurements) findings, based upon qEEG and fqEEG Measurements.  It measures the functional brain processing activities.  The purpose of the profile is to compare electrophysical BioMarker activity with standardized age normed data o gain clinical insights into how the cortex is organized.  Several cognitive and non-cognitive tasks were included in the analysis.